Heir of Novron

The New Empire intends to celebrate its victory over the Nationalists with a day that will never be forgotten. On the high holiday of Wintertide, they plan to execute two traitors (Degan Gaunt and the Witch of Melengar) as well as force the Empress into a marriage of their own design. But they didn’t account for Royce and Hadrian finally locating the Heir of Novron—or the pair’s desire to wreak havoc on the New Empire’s carefully crafted scheme.


Title: Heir of Novron

Series: The Riyria Revelations #5-6

Author: Michael J. Sullivan

Page Count: 924

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5.0/5.0

Date Read: July 8th, 2022


This series has ended up as one of the best recommendations I've been given to date. And I'm so happy I picked up the trilogy while on vacation last year. This series has been such a great adventure this year! I've been hearing about Royce and Hadrian for about a year. And it's been so much fun learning about the two of them and getting to experience their story!

First of all I have to admit reading this series in the three book format has been a lot of fun! It's nice to get those story climax mid book since they are two combined. They really helped push me through the middle of these books. Don't get me wrong, I never really found myself feeling that I was stuck trying to wade through mud. These books were very well written in my opinion and just continue to flow. I just feel having those major peaks mid book was a very nice addition when reading these three volumes.

This book really started pulling the series together and the last 20% or so of the book just kept hammering home the reveals one after the other! We get character connections coming together. Histories being explained up to current events and some new inspiration and decisions to be made. Right down to the very end of the book with the final reveal was great!

I would highly recommend this series to any fan of epic fantasies.

Possible Spoiler…

I just wanted to share that this is only the third book to get me misty eyed. And it happened with the discovery of the true meaning behind "showing Royce, Mercy..." I was listening to this part of the book on audio while stuck in traffic trying to get off the express way when this happened and my arms went up in the air and I'm sure the driver in front of me thought I was getting angry at them for not moving!


Pacing 5.0 / 5.0

Worldbuilding 5.0 / 5.0

Character Development 5.0 / 5.0


A Company of Adventurers


Gathering the Fallen